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Elevate students at work at the Professional Development Center
Elevate Academy and Resource Center Fort Zumwalt School District

Elevate Academy and Resource Center

Equipping students and families to excel by increasing student independence and creating community connections.

Who we are

Elevate Academy is a workforce readiness center for our Postsecondary Transition program for special education students. Their work provides the basics to student families in need through the Resource Center.

What we do

Elevate Academy & Resource Center provides support for Fort Zumwalt families experiencing food insecurity or who are in need of personal care items, school supplies or clothing. With basic needs met, students are equipped to focus on learning. Center to this mission is the staff at Elevate. Fort Zumwalt students in our Postsecondary Transition program manage the warehouse and fulfill requests for items that come in from our 27 schools, increasing their independence in employment and independent living.

Why we do what we do

Since 2014, efforts have been underway to better serve Fort Zumwalt families in need. After piloting the program during the 2023-2024 school year, the Elevate Academy and Resource Center, located within the Mike Clemens Center for Adaptive Learning, launched in full force for the 2024-2025 school year, providing opportunity for students in Fort Zumwalt’s Postsecondary Transition program and support for Fort Zumwalt families in need. Elevate teachers are Ms. Riley Nenninger and Mrs. Emma Boekhout.

Elevate allows students to work on soft and hard employability skills on a daily basis and equips them to reach their goal of competitive employment.

The work of these students supports a growing number of students in need in our school district.

  • Elevate students stock and manage the Resource Center warehouse with donated hygiene products and non-perishable food.

  • Elevate students utilize cash donations to replenish the warehouse when donations run out.

  • Elevate students pack backpacks with meals and other items that are distributed to students across Fort Zumwalt to take home on the weekend.

To learn more about the Elevate Academy, please contact Angie Albert or Elizabeth Sutton.

Angie Albert, Transition Coordinator


Elizabeth Sutton, Principal Mike Clemens Center for Adaptive Learning


How you can be part of what we do

To make donations to the Resource Center, please contact Melissa Tichy or Deanna Kruse. Or use the QR code below. Thank you for your support of our students.

Melissa Tichy, Coordinator, Social Emotional Support Services


Deanna Kruse, Coordinator, Homeless & Foster Care


Thank you to the community partners who make this work possible:


Central County Fire Protection District

Central States Manufacturing

Compass Health Network

Grace River Church

Integrate Community

Life Church St. Peters

O'Fallon Fire Protection District

O'Fallon Police Department

Office Depot/Office Max


Sunrise Mission

St. Peters Police Department